
Dance in Education


Aggeliki Papadatou

Stella Dimitrakopoulou,
Eirini Zachara,
Chrysa Zerva,
Kelly Karachaliou,
Maria Kontova,
Christos Kypriotis,
Katerina Papazisi,
Giorgos Christakis,
Euridiki Samara

Visual Artists /Photographers:
Υiannis Chiotopoulos,
Revveka Moustaki-Zei,
Lydia Chatzistefanidou,
Panagiotis Papadopoulos,
Konstantina Vassalou

Αlexia Theodoraki

Set Design:
Ζoi Langi Where_House

Νikos Tziomakas

Lighting Design:
Thomas Oikonomakos

Stage Manager:
Νiki Edipidi


Lydra Theater
Argo Theater
6th Dance Festival Greek Choreographer’s Association, with the support of the Ministry of Culture



fotosoma, μία χοροθεατρική
παράσταση αναζήτησης


Story Layout

What do we really look like? How do we perceive ourselves? How do the others see us?
Every imprint of ourselves, adds a piece of information, a tone in time that brings us closer to ourselves.


Not only a dance theater performance.


Photographers and dancers, disabled or not, meet on stage searching for their identity, using as a starting point the visual and sensual conception of their body.
The pictures of their own bodies imprint a selected version of themselves, are conceived both as a threat as well as a gift. Gradually the windows framing the hidden part of reality, open to reveal what is inside.

Music and sounds of an altered language and conventional speech surround the performance. Old fashioned screens and projected images of the participants, function as a set design, creating an atmosphere where the past is confused with the present and the future, reality may be confused with fiction.