Dali d’KLIC

Dance in Education

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission is not responsible for any use of the information contained therein.

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The Greek dance company AggeloSkoni collaborated with the french dance company DK-BEL to create the Dali D’KLIC festival, a diverse artistic project creating links between multiculturalism and diversity.

In this youth exchange program, 56 young teenagers and disabled people from Athens and Paris, met on the stage and worked through their diversities using the means of the creative process for the production of a dance performance.

The theme chosen for this project was the work of Salvador Dali and Surrealism which was explored through the art of the body as Dali particularly was concerned with the decay of the body through time.

The creative process applied during this exchange program derives from the combination of the specific methods of each group which gradually brought the members to co-create through a shared bodily relationship. They danced together, improvised under the supervision and guidance of the two choreographers. They collaborated while discovering ways to overcome their differences by using the common language of the body which is movement. Their differences where evident as they where coming from different cultural backgrounds but also varying in their mental as well as their body abilities and individual needs. The two integrated groups used their differences creatively resulting in a performance. The shared experience was each time discussed within the group offering space for verbal expression of the emotions and thoughts occurring in the process. The relationships between the members of the two groups were also developed through social outings arranged to further the exchange of thoughts, ideas and feelings through the social encounter.